The Birth of an Idea The original concept for Astro came out of the 2017 Boston Beyond Tabletop game jam by Colby and Diamond Kraybill— a father-son team. Over the course of the 2 Day Jam, they came up with a slow...

The Birth of an Idea The original concept for Astro came out of the 2017 Boston Beyond Tabletop game jam by Colby and Diamond Kraybill— a father-son team. Over the course of the 2 Day Jam, they came up with a slow...
Last January, we partnered with Playcrafting to host North America's largest Global Game Jam site here in New York. We brought developer kits and our expertise, and the jammers who worked with us brought their creativity and determination, ultimately producing...
Hey Devs, Now that we've reached the end of 2020 (finally), I thought it would a good time to reflect on everything that's happened with Blinks in the last year and look forward to what will be a very exciting...
Hi Everybody! Blinks is (Almost) Sold Out It's been a whirlwind holiday season already. We are almost, completely sold out of inventory on our site. There are a handful of Bare-Bones Dev Kits to make your own Blinks Games...
At IndieCade East 2019, Move38 hosted a Blinks Game Jam where Game Devsigners (developers + designers) of all experience levels worked in teams to build games for Blinks. We sat down with Holly Gore and Jeff Kowalski - two of...
We are stoked to include AlcheMatch in the new Epic Adventure. Pre-orders now open Brett, what led you to design AlcheMatch? At the Global Game Jam 2020 back in January, i designed two games over the weekend. The first was Group...
It's probably no surprise that the team at a game company likes games. We live, breathe, make, and dream about games. We even hosted a board game lunch pre-Covid in our office at NY Designs. As you'll see, we also have...
Dragon's Lair is a new game for Blinks, designed by two members of the developer community. It was offered as a stretch goal in our Kickstarter Campaign and will soon be available. Read on to enter The Dragon's Lair with...
Thalassophobia is part of the Blinks Epic Adventure Expansion, now available for pre-order What is Thlasassophobia? The word means a deep and persistent fear of the sea and we thought it apt for a watery survival maze game. In Thalassophobia, You are...
We are excited to introduce you to Shawn Pierre's Mini Big Bots, a game in development for Blinks. Watch the video below to meet Shawn and learn more about Mini Big Bots. Shawn shows off Mini Big Bots on the Blinks Live Stream...