We are excited to introduce you to Shawn Pierre's Mini Big Bots, a game in development for Blinks. Watch the video below to meet Shawn and learn more about Mini Big Bots.
Shawn shows off Mini Big Bots on the Blinks Live Stream
Describe your game/gameplay/why people would enjoy this game?
Mini Big Bots is a slower take on a fast paced genre, and it gives players a chance to think a bit more about their attack plans. Moves can be as long or as short as you want (though you shouldn’t plan for too long)
- What is the Origin Story of your game? How did it come to be?
- What do you like best about Blinks? about developing games on Blinks?
Shawn is an experimental game designer with both a drive and a knack for integrating experimental gameplay and innovative technology. His work includes traditional and nontraditional games such as The Island; a procedurally generated game using an Amazon Echo, Urban Werewolf; an SMS adaptation of the classic folk game combining mobile and real world conversations, and Choices; a listener driven investigation podcast. Shawn is a co-facilitator of the Philly Game Mechanics, an active and vibrant community of Philadelphia game developers. Back in the outside days, he would take dance classes and make sourdough before bread flour became a hot commodity.