Connect with the Blinks Community

Keep up with all that’s happening in the Blinks Universe and share in the fun with our community.
Social Media
- Keep in touch on Facebook
- News on Twitter and Instagram
- ..and right here on our blog
- Latest games on YouTube
- Occasional streams on Twitch
- Share your thoughts on Board Game Geek
- Like Move38 on Facebook
Blinks Community Discord
- Join in conversation with other Blinks Fans like you
- Share in the fun, trade game secrets, have fun
- Make friends
- in the community-managed Discord Server
Want to make your own games?
- Read more about Developing Games on Blinks
- Latest posts in the Forum
- Recent development on Github
- Documentation [English]
Tag yourself and join the fun
- #playblinks
- or tag us @move38inc to be featured on our channels
Email Us
- We will respond to all emails as soon as we can and love to hear from you.