
Make Games with your family this Father's Day with Blinks

Make Games with your family this Father's Day with Blinks

The most amazing thing about Blinks is that the majority of games come from the community! Blinks are unique in many ways but our favorite is that we've made it easy to make your own games with a simple way to code and simple tools to get your games on Blinks. And since Blinks is open-source, all the code is open to your ideas and experiments

An Amazing Global Game Jam Story!

It was incredible to learn as we were participating in the Global Game Jam last January, that we had 2 different father/daughter teams making games for Blinks. 

Blinks Community Developer, Alfred S wrote about the experience on his blog and we interviewed him and his daughter on our stream.

Move38: How did you come up with the idea for Frogs?
Julia: I don’t know how I came up with the idea.
Dad: Did it just pop in your head?
Julia: Yeah - kinda.
Move38: Was your dad a good helper when making the game?
Julia: YEAH! I don’t know how to do coding, and he did the coding. I’m only a six-and-a-half year old. And he typed it. My hands would get tired if I typed all those words.
Move38: What's the next game you're going to make?
Julia: I think I really liked the candy one I came up with. It’s called “Candy”. See brainstorming session blog entry
Move38: What's your favorite Blinks game besides Frogs?
Julia: My very favorite is Dark Ball - I get to make so many different tracks!
Dad: Do you have any other favorites?
Julia: And Wham!


READ Their Full Blog for more fun: Global Game Jam 2021 | Playcrafting | Freddicus Game Studios


You can watch the full stream below (Air Date 2/11/2021)

 Blinks brings family & friends together to reconnect, share, and enjoy.



Today through June 16th, Move38 is offering some Father's Day Specials to get started with Blinks—Our Biggest Savings on Epic and Game Makers Bundles

Game Makers Bundle

We've recently introduced a special bundle that gives you Blinks Game System 9 games to start with and Developer Tools which make it easy to jump into making your own games with your friends and family.

Epic Bundle

15 Games to keep you having fun all summer long. Get both the Blinks Game System + Epic Adventure Expansion for a whopping $50 savings.

Father's Day Sale Runs through Wednesday Night 6/16/21